Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Salon: On the Mend

I shared last week in my Sunday Salon post that I was fighting a cough. Well, the cough turned into bronchitis so that is the reason why you may have noticed that I haven't been posting as much or commenting on your blogs this past week. I'm on the mend, but it's a slow process. I haven't been as focused with my reading and have had trouble sticking with a book. I did finally pick a winner and started reading Solving Zoe by Barbara Dee which has been an enjoyable read so far. Look for my review this week. Do you guys have this dilemma when you're sick? Often, I can read more when I am sick and resting but this cough has made it difficult to focus on much.

I received the Your Blog Rocks Award from Laura at Laura's Reviews:

Thanks Laura! Laura passed this award on to recent blogs she had visited that rock. I'm going to do the same and award this to 3 new blogs that I've recently found and added to my google reader.:


  1. I sure hope you feel better. When I am sick I just have to sleep so reading is usually pushed aside until I am better. Sometimes the meds you take sort of make you groggy too, which could be the cause for your inability to focus.

  2. Sorry you're not feeling well. I usually have a hard time reading whenever I'm sick. Hope you're better soon!

  3. We've been sick at my house this week, too. I didn't get much reading done until today when I finally finished a book.

  4. Bonnie,
    I'm so sorry that it moved into bronchitis!! Take care of yourself and try to get some rest.

  5. Aww, Bonnie! Heal fast!

    I had bronchitis last April. I managed to dislocate a rib AND give myself whiplash from all that coughing.

    Hang in there, read a lot, and get the good vibes I'm sending, okay?

  6. Hope you feel better soon! What a terrible way to wind up the summer.

  7. Sorry to hear that you've been under the weather and I hope you're back 100% soon. Congratulations on your award!

  8. I too am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Get better soon and thank you for this award! :)

  9. Hope you are fully recovered soon. Bronchitis is a nasty sickness that tends to linger. Congratulatins on your award!

  10. I'm sorry to hear that you have bronchitis. I hope you feel better soon!

    I totally understand about not being able to focus when you're sick. Sometimes all I want to do is fall asleep watching old tv shows.

  11. Get well soon Bonnie! There is nothing worse than Bronchitis in the summer! Take care.

  12. Bonnie.. glad to hear you are on the mend. Yes, I find it hard to focus on reading when I am sick... and it drives me crazy... all that down time and nothing to show for it. Be careful and don't push your self.

  13. Feel better! Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it on to me. :)

  14. Feel better! Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it on to me. :)

  15. I hope you feel better soon! Thanks a ton for the award!! :)


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