Every Tuesday Diane @ Bibliophile by the Sea hosts First Chapter, First Paragraph where we share the first paragraph or two of a book we are reading or thinking about reading soon. Feel free to grab the image and participate.
My Tuesday Intro pick is While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax. I am a big fan of Downton Abbey and Wendy Wax so this is a great combination!
From Wendy Wax Website:
As a child Samantha Jackson Davis loved fairy tales as much as the next girl. She just hadn’t expected to end up in one.
Every morning when her eyes fluttered open and every night before she closed them to go to sleep, Samantha marveled at her good fortune. In a Disney version of the airline passenger held up in security just long enough to miss the plane that goes down, or the driver who runs back for a forgotten cell phone and barely avoids a deadly ten-car pileup, Samantha averted disaster in the once-upon-a-time way: she married the prince.
Over the past twenty-five years Samantha had sometimes wished she’d spent a little more time and energy considering alternatives. But when your world comes crashing down around you at the age of twenty-one, deep thinking and soul-searching are rarely your first response.
What do you think? Would you keep on reading
or move on to something else?
You have a chance to win a copy of While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax!!
CLICK ON THIS LINK, or the link to the right in the sidebar, to read my review and enter the giveaway. Ends May 5, 2013

Definitely curious for more...what happened to crash her world. Thanks for joining in.
ReplyDeleteI loved this book! Thanks for sharing...and here's MY TUESDAY MEMES POST
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read this book. Almost got my hands on a copy this week at a book swap, but someone else got to it first. I'm next to read it when it gets returned at next month's swap.
ReplyDeleteHere's my Tuesday intro: http://www.bookclublibrarian.com/2013/04/first-chapter-first-paragraph-10-and.html
I would definitely keep on reading. I would have to know what happened to crash her world at the young age of twenty-one.
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched Downton Abbey, but I know many of my friends love it, so I would probably enjoy it too. Here's Mine
ReplyDeleteI'm a big fan too. I think I'd need to read more. The opening seemed a little choppy to me. I do like Wendy Wax so I'm pretty sure it will get better.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm really curious; mostly how Downton Abbey ties in???
ReplyDeleteI like the intro but I don't care for the cover. Iffy for me. I did like Downton though!
ReplyDeleteWow! Yes, keep reading. Now excuse me, I'm off to find out more about this book (I LOVE Downton!)