Monday, October 1, 2012

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday....What are you reading?

~Mailbox Monday~
Is a place for readers to share what books came into their
 house last week and explore great book blogs!
(October host is Marcia from Mailbox Monday)

The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton
(Courtesy of Atria Galley Grab)

The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin
(E-Galley courtesy of Edelweiss and Delacorte Press)

(E-galley courtesy of Edelweiss and Ballantine Books)


We discuss the books we've read and the books 
that we are planning to read this week.

Read Last Week: I didn't post reviews last week. I am a bit of a slow reader lately. I'm reading:

Objects of My Affection by Jill Smolinski (audio book)
The Book Lover by Mary Ann McFadden (Kindle book)

Book Posts/Reviews on the Agenda:

The Postmistress by Sarah Blake (audio book)
A Turn In The Road by Debbie Macomber (audio book)


  1. They all look sooooooooo good. I love Kate Morton. I like The Aviator's Wife too.

    Enjoy your books.

    Hope you can stop by my blog to read my post about the book conference I attended in New York City this past Saturday.

    A giveaway is also directly below my Mailbox Monday post.

    Silver’s Reviews

  2. You scored some great sounding e-books for review! The Aviator's Wife looks wonderful. Enjoy all your new reads!

  3. Oh, I didn't know Melanie Benjamin has a new book out! Enjoy your new books!

  4. The Aviator's Wife looks interesting! Enjoy your reads! Here's my Monday post.

  5. A great reading week ahead.

  6. How are you liking the Book Lover? Mary, Dar and I liked it a lot. Have a great week, Bonnie,and happy reading!

  7. All you books look good to me!!! Have a wonderful week~~

  8. Haven't read any of your choices, but The Aviator's Wife sounds interesting. Happy reading week!

  9. One of these days I really need to read Kate Morton. I've actually downloaded one of her audiobooks from Audible but even my audiobooks are backlogged these days.

    Random but yesterday I happened to hit your profile from somewhere and got a notice that it was marked as private. Thought that was strange and thought I'd let you know in case you didn't mean for it to be set that way.

  10. I'm in love with each of the books you posted...those covers are amazing!

  11. Those look like charming books!


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