Monday, September 20, 2010

Mailbox Monday ~ September 20th

Mailbox Monday is a fun meme that was created by Marcia of The Printed Page and is now on tour – the host for this month is Bermudaonion.  Here are some of the books that arrived in my mailbox last week:

Out of the ShadowsNatural to Super Natural HealthGREEN BEAUTY RECIPES: Easy Homemade Recipes to Make Your Own Organic and Natural Skincare, Hair Care and Body Care Products

Out of the Shadows by Joanne Rendell from the author (Enter to win your own copy through the giveaway I am hosting, HERE, ends September 26, 2010)

Natural to Super Natural Health by David Herzog from Atlas Books

Green Beauty Recipes by Julie Gabriel from the author


  1. Green Beauty Recipes sounds like a book I'd actually use. Enjoy your new books!

  2. Natural to Super Natural Health and Green Beauty Recipes look like my kind of books! Can't wait to read your reviews of them. Happy reading!

  3. Nice list! Out of the Shadows was in a lot of mailboxes last week. Hope you enjoy it :)

  4. I just read Out of the Shadows are really enjoyed it!

  5. Wonderful mailbox! Have a great reading week ahead! Here is my Mondays: Mailbox/Where Am I/Musings post.

  6. Out of the Shadows looks good-- I entered your giveaway!

    Enjoy your books.

  7. Out of the Shadows looks good. I will go over end enter the giveaway! Have a great week!

  8. They all look great and I'm always interested in try to go natural with my health and make-up...enjoy!

  9. I'd love Natural to Supernatural Health looks really good. I've seen it several places now. Enjoy!!

  10. The Natural to Super Natural Health does sound good. Enjoy them all.


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