We've been fortunate to avoid the big snowstorms so far this month here in Ohio. Although, there is one predicted for this week, we're waiting to hear if the winds will shift and it will head in a different direction. I've had a busy month at work, working part-time feels a lot like full-time as there is just as much to do at home in addition to working. I work in the schools and fortunately, I can work at home some days when I am writing reports which is a nice benefit. My son had the dreaded URI (Upper respiratory Infection) this week and missed three days of school. He's in middle school so he's going to have a lot of work to catch up on next week. Fortunately, it bypassed my husband and I and we're thankful for that. I was sick enough last fall and I hope that I stay healthy this winter.
I recently had some blood work done and found out that I'm severely Vitamin D deficient(like most of us in the Northeast) , hypothyroid and I have to start on thyroid medication. I also have high cholesterol and my inflammatory markers were high so I've taken on some healthier changes. I've joined Weight Watchers Online (I've already lost 6.5 lbs in 3 weeks!) and I have decided to limit red meat to lean meats occasionally. I'm also taking a prescription mega dose of Vitamin D, multi-vitamin, fish oil to get my Omega 3's and calcium/magnesium supplement.
I recently had some blood work done and found out that I'm severely Vitamin D deficient(like most of us in the Northeast) , hypothyroid and I have to start on thyroid medication. I also have high cholesterol and my inflammatory markers were high so I've taken on some healthier changes. I've joined Weight Watchers Online (I've already lost 6.5 lbs in 3 weeks!) and I have decided to limit red meat to lean meats occasionally. I'm also taking a prescription mega dose of Vitamin D, multi-vitamin, fish oil to get my Omega 3's and calcium/magnesium supplement.
I have been researching and reading about healthy eating and have several books on my shelf that I plan to read and adapt changes to my lifestyle. These are a few and I would love to hear from anyone else if they have any other suggestions.
~Nutritional Books~
- Eat to Live
by Joel Furhman
- The China Study
by T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell
- Prescription for Nutritional Healing
by Phyllis A. Balch
- Superfoods Healthstyle
by Steven Pratt
- In Defense of Food
by Michael Pollan
I have a lot of cookbooks but with the exception of a few Weight Watcher cookbooks, I don't have anything that focuses on health and nutrition. I'd like to find some good cookbooks that support healthy eating, so please share any suggestions or recommendations.
~Healthy Food Finds~
I have found some wonderful healthy foods that I wanted to share. Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, unsweetened. I use it to make oatmeal, add it to my cereal and to make a fruit smoothie: whirl a cup of almond milk, frozen berries and a banana in a blender~delicious! Please share any healthy food finds or ideas, I would love to hear them.

That thyroid is such a tricky little thing. My mom suffers from Hashimoto's disease which attacks the thyroid. Great job on the weight loss. I'm back on track (finally) too and will send you healthy recipes as I run across them!
ReplyDeleteI have hypothyroidism too. When I was first diagnosed (about 5 years ago), I was a mess about having to take medication every day. It's just something you get used to - although I'm not quite yet used to the bloodwork every three months. (I need to be more diligent about following through with that.)
ReplyDeleteI noticed you have a Deborah Madison cookbook in your stack. She is one of my favorite vegetarian cookbook authors (we've been mostly vegetarian for 15 years now, although I do occasionally eat chicken). I really like Deborah Madison's "Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone."
Hi Bonnie...I enjoyed this post, as I too am Vitamin D deficient, and hypothyroid as well (on meds for it). Congrats on the weight loss; it's tough, I know, and I appreciate the info on these books as well. Continued success.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about your problems but sounds like you're definitely on the right track. My sister just was diagnosed as being Vitamin D deficient and her mega doses are making the world of difference.
ReplyDeleteI have many of the books you have shown -- and all look good. Once you get some of the principals down, you can convert almost any recipe into a healthier one. Good luck on your road to better health.
ReplyDeleteI am a lifetime WW member. It's a good program if you stick to it. I've been on and off the wagon many times and I always wonder why I eventually decide to step off. It just never pays to do so.
ReplyDeleteI think the shelf stable almond milk is pretty handy but Silk's Almond milk, in the cold section is to die for!
Keep reading and educating yourself. You are your best advocate for health. My mom has been on thyroid meds for years. She has to change them every so often, just modify the dosage, but she is doing wonderfully.