Sunday, February 15, 2009

Adriana Trigiani: Very Valentine Video Message and Walking Tour of Greenwich Village

Check out these videos with Adriana Trigiani that include details and information about her new book Very Valentine, just released February 3rd 2009.

Read my review of Very Valentine HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bonnie! Thanks! I didn't watch the first one because I don't want to know any more details about the book because I'm putting it on my iPod today and it's another hopeful to listen to soon.

    The second video clip was great. It was wonderful to see Greenwich Village (never been there) and her inspiration. I find it perfectly reasonable for writers to get inspiration from their surroundings and experiences. That's what makes me freak out a bit when I read thrillers, especially those that involve serial killers. YIKES! Where do they get their inspiration from? I don't even want to know.


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